
Curriculum Intent

  • It is our intention to provide a high-quality Science education that gives pupils the foundations needed to recognise Science in all aspects of their life.
  • Teachers ensure that pupils have high-quality teaching and can link their own experiences to our exciting curriculum.
  • The pupils are enquiry-based learners and experience research, investigations and evaluating all aspects of Science.
  • Pupils are exposed to a wide range of scientific vocabulary which supports their science knowledge and understanding.

Curriculum Implementation

  • At St Joseph’s, we follow the National Curriculum supported by key skills and knowledge progression, including a list of rich vocabulary to teach.
  • Our Science curriculum involves deep thinking and encourages higher level questioning to be discussed.
  • Our Science lessons are sequenced carefully to ensure pupils have an excellent knowledge of topics being taught and are able to use their knowledge to answer scientific questions.

Curriculum Impact

  • A successful approach to teaching Science will result in pupils becoming enthusiastic and engaged as well as providing the foundations for understanding the world and all of the changes happening around them.
  • Pupils will know more and remember more through explicitly planned retrieval activities as well as a consistent approach to assessment across the school.
  • Pupils will make a connection to Science learning from KS1 and these links will allow pupils to have a greater understanding of new Science topics.