“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12
Welcome to the Chaplaincy section of our school.
The Chaplaincy is one of the ways that we can support and care for each and every person within our community here at Saint Joseph’s Catholic Academy.
The Chaplaincy has four main aims:
- To provide opportunities to celebrate our Catholic faith through liturgical prayers and the spiritual life of the school.
- To encourage our staff and children to grow in faith and live out our beliefs in their daily lives.
- To develop positive relationships within and beyond our school community.
- To serve our local and global community through practical works of charity.
The Chaplaincy is at the centre of our school community here at St Joseph’s and we all live this out through our faith in Jesus and by following His example of love, forgiveness, care, friendship and prayer.
Chaplaincy Team
Being part of the Chaplaincy Team is a great way to grow in faith and confidence, while helping those around us as we journey together to be more like Jesus in everything that we think, do and say.
Our Chaplaincy Team is a welcoming and vibrant team that lives by the mantra of “Growing In Faith Together.”
We believe that everybody is a G.I.F.T. from God and that should be celebrated and seen in our school and wider community.
To achieve this, the Chaplaincy Team are split into three groups and the members change group each half term. The groups are the:
Worship Group
- Lead and support the school in planning and delivering times of liturgical prayer.
- Lead and support the evaluation of times of liturgical prayer.
- Create seasonal age-appropriate prayers throughout the year for use in the classroom.
Word Group
- Lead and support the monitoring and evaluation of prayer areas within each classroom.
- Lead and support the monitoring and upkeep of prayer areas around the school.
- Plan, prepare and create the Chaplaincy display board to ensure it is up to date.
World Group
- Care and maintain the outside prayer areas around the school playgrounds and gardens.
- Be active during breaks and lunch as Prayer Buddies.
- Ensuring notice and advertisement of charitable events are provided.
Each member of the Chaplaincy Team is also assigned to a year group to help them during the Liturgical Year, with RE lessons and to be an example and role model to the rest of the school.
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” John 14:1