Wrap Around Care

We are very pleased to announce that here at St Joseph’s we offer OFSTED Registered Clubs for children who may need to come into school before the start of the day or remain at school after 3.15pm.

The Clubs are open to all children in school and offer an excellent way for working parents to manage their childcare needs.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is open from 7:45am and caters for all families who need children to arrive in school before 8:20am. Children explore a number of quiet activities before attending Magic Breakfast at 8:20am and then completing the Daily Mile.

After-School Club

After-School Club offers childcare facilities every afternoon from 3:15pm until 5pm. Children share a snack and play games, outside if weather permits, in a relaxed atmosphere.

Please phone the school office on 01629 583616 for further details.