Welcome to Year 1 & 2
Welcome to our new Class Page!
We are a happy, hard-working class who strive to do our best in everything that we do.
We are a happy, hard-working class who strive to do our best in everything that we do.
Children will need their waterproof coat, a bottle filled with water, a bag for reading books and homework and a packed lunch (if required). Pencil cases and other school equipment will be provided for children by school. It is important that we limit what is being brought into school, so pencil cases and other accessories from home won’t be needed.
Children have one breaktime in the morning. For this time, they are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to eat during break.
Miss Taylor
Mrs Angrave
Miss Lemon
Each week, there will be a set of spellings to learn and a Maths activity to complete.
In addition, please use Spelling Shed and TTRS as an online tool to support learning.
Please also ensure your children read 3 times a week and record this in their reading diary.
Children who complete their homework and read 3 times a week are rewarded with Dojo points and raffle tickets.
Children should come to school in their PE kit, comprising of a white t-shirt, plain black shorts or joggers/leggings/tracksuit trousers, dark coloured trainers or black plimsols and school hoodie/jumper/cardigan.
Earrings need to be removed for PE lessons, therefore ensure children come to school without their earrings or ensure your child can take out and put them back in after the PE lesson.