Collective Worship

Collective Worship is a central part of our school day.

The Aims of Collective Worship:

We believe that Collective Worship in our school aims to provide opportunity for all pupils and staff:

  •  To contemplate something of the mystery of God
  •  To reflect on spiritual and moral issues
  •  To explore their own beliefs
  •  To respond to and celebrate life
  •  To experience a sense of belonging and develop community spirit
  •  To develop a common ethos and shared values
  •  To enrich religious experience
  •  To grow in liturgical understanding and development
  •  To reinforce prayers that are part of the Catholic tradition
  •  To reinforce positive attitudes
  •  To participate fully
  •  To take time out to ‘wonder at’ and respond

Whole School, and Class Collective Worship occurs throughout the week, allowing our school community to gather together and celebrate.

Laudato Si

Laudata Si is an encyclical from Pope Francis on climate and justice to “enter into dialogue with all people about our common home.”

As a school we promote caring for our planet through our links with CAFOD, as an Eco School and our Fairtrade ethos.

Pope Francis’s encyclical letter on caring for our home