Curriculum Intent
At St Joseph’s Academy we have designed our English curriculum with the intent that all children, will become fluent, insightful readers and technically skilled, creative writers. Our children will engage with a range of genres and develop their understanding of fiction and non-fiction styles. Furthermore, we have developed a curriculum that will instil in all children a love of reading and writing that we hope will stay with them for life. We understand that a good grasp of English is the bedrock of the entire curriculum and that children who are confident and adept readers and writers will be empowered to succeed in all other areas.
We will deliver an English Curriculum that:
- Develops in all children a love of reading and writing.
- Allows children to comprehend and critique what they read, and to write creatively and accurately regardless of genre or topic.
- Exposes all children to a wide range of high quality texts that explore different styles, plots, tones and cover many diverse authors and characters.
- We will, from Nursery to Y6, develop children’s vocabulary, allowing them to comprehend others and to express themselves clearly.
- We will develop children’s grammar so that they have a good understanding of the mechanics of spoken and written English.
- Phonics will be taught progressively from Foundation to Y2, using the Little Wandle scheme, as an effective way of developing children’s reading and spelling skills.
- The teaching of spelling will be taught across the school in a progressive way allowing children to learn spelling rules, exceptions and irregular spellings.
- The teaching of handwriting will be taught to develop legibility and fluidity and to encourage all children to take pride in the presentation of their work.
- Children will be given the opportunity to read and write a variety of genres: different fictional styles, poetry, non-fiction. They will learn to adopt the appropriate tone and ‘voice’ for each genre.
- Children will be encouraged to reflect upon their writing, edit and improve.
- When reading, children will be taught to read with fluency and expression. The curriculum will develop their ability to comprehend, analyse and critique different texts.
Curriculum Implementation
We ensure that our English teaching and learning provides many purposeful opportunities for reading, writing and discussion. We use a wide variety of experiences, quality texts and resources to motivate and inspire our children. All pupils receive a daily reading, spelling and writing lesson.
- Teachers create a positive reading and writing culture in school, where both are promoted, enjoyed and considered ‘a pleasure’ for all pupils.
- Promotion of reading through teachers reading out loud daily to their class.
- Pupils in EYFS and KS1 to have daily phonics sessions, following the Little Wandle Scheme.
- Year 1-6 delivering daily sessions in spelling, focussing on the sounds within words.
- Daily Guided Reading sessions in all classes, of which focus on the class text and 3 link to a theme.
- Pupils are being adventurous with vocabulary choices.
- Working Walls – all classes aiding pupils and guiding them through the process of Reading and Analysing, Gathering Content, Planning and Writing.
- Vocabulary promoted through displays in class, all curriculum areas, enhancing and encouraging a wider use of vocabulary.
- Teaching a range of genres across the school (progressing in difficulty) both in English and other curriculum areas; resulting in pupils being exposed to, and knowledgeable about, literary styles, authors and genres.
Formative assessments will be integrated into everyday English teaching to ensure teachers have an in–depth knowledge of the children’s learning and to inform their next steps.
Curriculum Impact
Our English Curriculum should ensure that:
- Children leave St Joseph’s with a love of reading.
- Children leave St Joseph’s with a love of writing. They should be able to express their opinions and their creativity in writing that is well structured, clear, technically accurate and interesting to read.
- Children leave St Joseph’s able to express their opinions verbally; to understand how to engage – and disagree – with others clearly and articulately.
Children leave St Joseph’s confident to try new things, experiment with their writing, take risks, and continue to expand their experience of reading.